Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Tourist's London

     I have been in London for nearly a month and surprisingly I have not been to many of the most iconic sights. Angelica, Sarah, Taylor, Grace, and I went to Westminster Station where Parliament is. We had seen Big Ben and Parliament from afar but we had never seen it up close. The buildings of Parliament are beautiful and the architecture is extraordinary. My friends all decided that they did not want to spend money today so we did not go in Parliament or any of the other places that we visited, but we will go back at some point. After walking around we went to Westminster Abbey...where Will and Kate were married! It was closed to tourists though, but I might go to Sunday Mass there one day so that I can get in for free and save 15 GBP.  Across from Parliament and Westminster is Parliament Square that has lots of statues, everyone from Nelson Mandela to Winston Churchill. Following the road we headed toward Downing Street, but as it is sort of like the British equivalent of the White House we could not get close to it at all. We were on our way to Trafalgar Square when we saw a bunch of people taking pictures of something. It turned out to be a guy on a horse and the building was the Horse Guard Parade.We walked through the arches and found our way to St. James' Park and walked through that where everyone was amazed by the waterfowl.   I do not know why, but we spent a lot of time taking pictures of the geese and swans. We eventually made our way to Buckingham Palace which is not open to tourists until February something. It was an amazing day, but we did not like feeling so touristy. 

Parliament and Big Ben


Statue of Oliver Cromwell

Front of Westminster Abbey

Statue of Winston Churchill

This is as close as we could get to Number 10 Downing Street

One of our waterfowl pictures

The guard and horse that got our attention.

Statue of Queen Victoria outside of Westminster
Buckingham Palace

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