Tuesday, January 29, 2013

British University

    Today was my first class at City University. Now, this might seem strange to you. You might be saying "Lauren, I thought you had your City class on Wednesdays?" This would be a true statement, but on Monday I found that the day for my City class had changed and it conflicted with one of my Arcadia classes so I was switched to a different City class. I am now taking Political Issues of the 21st Century, which is on Tuesdays. This morning I woke up at 6:45 and had a cup of tea and at 7:30 we began the journey to City. The Tube was working fine and we got to the campus fine, but once there we realized that we did not the building name, only the name of the lecture hall. So, we went to three different buildings before we found the right now. We were still a half an hour early, so we just chilled outside the hall. The class was interested. Funny fact: Have the class seems to be American...that was a bit sad to find out. The class only has two grades; one essay worth 40% and a final exam worth 60%. That is scary. All the Americans have to take ours at different times than the British because the essay is due the day we leave and the exam is not till May. The British give their students a month off to study for their exams. Normally after class we would go to a tutorial that is 50 minutes and is a small group thing that is supposed to help us understand what we are learning in class, but as it was the first day we did not have it. Afterword we had to run around campus trying to get signed up for Moodle,which is supposed to have readings and stuff on it. On the way back I decided to stop at the library and work on some of my papers for classes. I got books and wrote an entire essay while I was there. Then I checked out a few more books for another essay and went home. I will be back tomorrow though. On the way back, I picked up groceries from Sainbury's and had to wait for the Tube and then get a crowded one as there was severe delays on the Central Line. I feel better now that I have ate and had a cup of tea, but that might also be the product of the two hour nap that I took. Today was exhausting. 

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